Patrick Meyer
- Associate Professor at the Université de Liège, Belgium.
- Head of the Systems Biology (BioSys) Lab,
- Co-Head of the Bioautomation (BotaBot) Lab,
- Head of the jury for the Master in BioInformatics and Modeling (BIM)
In the past:
- Postdoctoral researcher in computational biology
- at FNRS (Bontempi Machine Learning Group, Belgium)
- at MIT and BROAD Institute (Kellis Lab,USA).
- Student at Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
- Student representative & Member of the Board
- PhD in Machine Learning (Dr. en Sciences)
- Master of Ph. in Computer Science (DEA informatique)
- Master in Electrical Engineering (Ir. Electromecanique)
- Postdoctoral researcher in computational biology