Pour le lien site : drpascalmensah.com
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Pascal Mensah is an MD with a large experience in clinical immunology. He completed his medical studies in 1997 at the Marseille Faculty of Medicine and continued his specialization, focusing on Phytotherapy and Functional Medicine. During his career, Dr Mensah has become a lecturer and trainer in immunology and low-dose immunotherapy and has participated as an invited speaker in national and international congresses. In 2017, he was the Scientific Director of the 1st International Congress of Micro-immunotherapy, focusing on low-dose immunomodulation in autoimmunity. He is passionate about Immunology and strives to transmit the importance of this discipline in the daily management of patients, by creating synergies between healthcare professionals, researchers and clinical immunologists. Dr Mensah is currently head of the International Association of micro-immunotheapy as well as the Scientific Director of the 2nd International Congress of Micro-immunotherapy, expanding on immunometabolism, to bring about new understandings for systemic and precision medicine.